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Three Things “Recognition-Rich” Cultures Have in Common

March 29, 2016 | By Mike Ryan

What constitutes a great company to work for? Those who have earned the distinction do more than offer attractive perks and generous benefit packages—they consistently put their employee’s first.

Without question, recognition-rich cultures are the foundation upon which profitable businesses are built. So what is it about their makeup that makes them so effective for businesses and so appealing to employees?

In this month’s White Paper, we explore:

  • How you should introduce recognition early in the employee’s lifecycle

  • The importance of distributing appreciation throughout an employee’s career

  • Why celebrating meaningful milestones is important



​Nearly five decades ago, our founder, Werner Haase, started Madison in 1975. Beginning as an incentive company, Madison had the first internet-based sales contest in 1995, followed a few years later by the first consolidated recognition web portal application.


Madison has evolved through consistent organic growth from a starter incentive company in the 1970s to a leading global social employee recognition and incentive company.  


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New York, NY 10017


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