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The Keys to a Great Communications Strategy: Practical Dos and Don’ts

July 19, 2013 | By Mike Ryan

Companies that are benefiting fully from their employee reward programs have done so by putting thoughtful consideration into all supporting elements, not the least of which is communications. When employees internalize the values of the organization and enthusiastically identify with the sprit in which recognition programs are offered they see themselves as active participants. When that recognition effect gains momentum and becomes part of the broader culture, programs consistently outperform expectations.

When it comes to setting a communications pattern it is always better to error on the side of too much versus too little. In the world of employee recognition, there is a direct correlation between program performance and communications activity. Planners that fail to get the word out create uncertainty which in turn hurts results. Under communicated programs underperform on all levels. They suffer from low user adoption, inconsistent utilization, incomplete data collection and diminished executive standing. This edition of Performance Perspectives will look at what great communication programs have in common, outline the importance of a personalized approach and address the hesitancy some HR executives still have when it comes to using web-based content for all employees. And along the way, I will also offer some practical dos and don’ts designed to make each recommendation as actionable as possible.


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