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7 Ways to Improve Company Culture

January 29, 2019 | By Madison

Company culture is an important part of any business. An attractive culture can speak volumes about your company to prospective employees and customers alike. In fact, a company’s culture can have a significant impact on the success of the business as it can either attract or repel potential employees and customers.

So how can you shape your company culture and make it a place where employees want to work and customers want to do business? This infographic will explore 7 ways to improve company culture.



​Nearly five decades ago, our founder, Werner Haase, started Madison in 1975. Beginning as an incentive company, Madison had the first internet-based sales contest in 1995, followed a few years later by the first consolidated recognition web portal application.


Madison has evolved through consistent organic growth from a starter incentive company in the 1970s to a leading global social employee recognition and incentive company.  


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New York, NY 10017


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